Securing the future of Santa Cruz County

We protect land to ensure the culture, economy, environment, and unique beauty of the area — for generations to come.

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Make a Gift to the Wild Things of Santa Cruz County Today!

Successes like the Highway 17 wildlife crossing at Laurel Curve are built on years of work—and are not done alone. This work is thanks to the trust and investment of YOU, our Land Trust supporters!

And it continues! Our next steps to restore wildlife connectivity include:

- A crossing at Highway 1 for the endangered Santa Cruz long-toed salamander and larger mammals.

- A crossing at Highway 101 near Rocks Ranch—the southern end of the critical wildlife connectivity corridor between the Santa Cruz Mountains and Gabilan Range.

Our Strategy

United by Purpose

We bring diverse communities & organizations together to preserve the lands that define this special place.

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Get Involved

Be part of the efforts to support the environment, economy, and quality of life in our area for future generations of people and wildlife.

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I believe in the daily and generational impact of this work. When I think of what I value, nothing seems more important than the health and wellbeing of our land.

Our Impact

HWY 17 Wildlife Tunnel at Laurel Curve

Highway 17’s narrow lanes and dangerous curves make it particularly difficult and dangerous to negotiate—for people and animals alike. In January 2023, the Land Trust and its partners completed a wildlife crossing under the highway at Laurel Curve. Within the month, the first bobcat was recorded using the tunnel and before the end of the year, the first mountain lion. From 2023 - 2024, 934 animal passages were recorded on camera, including bobcat, gray fox, black tailed deer, mountain lion, opossum, and skunk. These results demonstrate that the wildlife crossing is having a huge impact by restoring habitat connectivity and reducing wildlife-vehicle collisions.

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