Amphibian & Reptile Update from Byrne-Milliron Forest
Today, we have a positive update! Lawrence Erickson and Susie Fork, volunteers for the Land Trust, recently performed a herp (amphibian and reptiles) survey at the Byrne-Milliron Forest property in Corralitos. The team found six snakes representing three different species, but most importantly they were able to locate and evaluate California Giant Salamander larva for the lethal trematode infection.
We’ve been monitoring this very serious condition affecting California Giant Salamanders found in the northwestern coastal forests of California. Thought to be the result of a trematode infection, this lethal condition manifests itself with a variety of symptoms, most notably lumpy textured skin, and it is fairly widespread in our area.
The good news is that all six of the larval California Giant Salamanders examined for symptoms of trematode infection showed no symptoms of infection. One was missing a limb, but this is not uncommon with this species and limb regeneration has been well documented in salamanders!